Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Auf Wiedersehen!

I started this blog shortly after Karl and I moved to Germany to start a 2 year adventure. I wanted it to be a way for our families to keep in touch with us across such a great distance and a way for me to share with you the wonders of Europe. And I think it served those purposes. And thank you all for reading it!

But I think it's time to retire this dear little blog of mine. As many of you know, we have recently made the decision to make our move to Germany permanent so this adventure is going to continue until...who knows when? And, as many of you also know, a few months ago I started up a new blog intended to record more aspects of my life including the goings on of my Etsy shop as well as my European life. So I've decided to devote myself entirely to my Baby Anne Quilts blog and say goodbye to this one.

Thank you for reading. Thank you for your interest in our lives. I loved sharing our adventures with you. But remember, I'm really not going anywhere!! Please add my Baby Anne Quilts blog to your bookmarks to keep up with our going-ons...I'd love to see you there!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

bye, bye blog.